Product Information

Touchscreen Device Now Available!


Steri 'n' Stock® has been a trusted and essential tool for healthcare practices across Australia and New Zealand since its initial release in 2006. Born out of discussions with one of our valued clients, this software has evolved into a pivotal asset for healthcare professionals in the region.

Our Software Solution contains three modules, the Sterilisation Tracking module, the Stock/Inventory Management module, and the Archiving/Storage Management module and our Touchscreen Kiosk device is a dedicated device for your Sterilisation area.

The latest builds of our Software and Kiosk adhere to the recently released Australian Standard (AS 5369:2023).

A Special Thanks to Our Loyal Clients

At Steri 'n' Stock®, we're committed to continuous improvement, and we value user input in shaping our software to best serve their needs.

Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for our loyal clients. You are more than just users; you are valued partners on this journey. Your unwavering support, feature requests, and rigorous testing have been instrumental in transforming Steri 'n' Stock® into the robust and user-friendly tool it is today.

We would also like to acknowledge the input and assistance from Roslyn Franklin at Amalgamate for her invaluable expertise in infection prevention and control (IPC) -

Steri 'n' Stock® Software

Enhance Efficiency in Your Healthcare Practice with Steri 'n' Stock®.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of our Steri 'n' Stock® Software, a Windows-based application tailored for healthcare practices.

Our comprehensive software suite encompasses Sterilisation Tracking, Stock/Inventory Management, and Archive/Storage Management, all seamlessly integrated to enhance your practice.

Learn more about our Software Solution here.

Sterilisation Tracking Touchscreen Device

Empower Your Practice with a Steri 'n' Stock® Touchscreen Device: The Evolution of Sterilisation Management.

Prepare to transform your practice's sterilisation management with our innovative Touchscreen Device. This cutting-edge solution is designed to streamline your sterilisation tracking process within the often limited space available. Its wall-mountable design minimises the need for additional bench space, making it the perfect choice for your sterilisation area.

Discover more about our Sterilisation Tracking Touchscreen Solution here.